
The 3 Rs of Rural Education: Relationships, Recognition & Respect
Presenter: White River School Board Member Louann Krogman and De Smet Superintendent Abi Van Regenmorter
Thursday, 10:30 to 11:20 a.m. in Rooms 13-14
Rural education has unique intricacies for leaders at all levels. Serving as a school board member or superintendent in an area where you are involved with stakeholders in multiple roles can be challenging. However, the blessings of living and educating in a rural area are also exponential. This session will provide tried and true methods focused on relationships, recognition, and respect that attendees can easily implement in their own districts.
Saving Sycamore – The School Shooting that Never Happened
Presenter: School Counselor Molly Hudgens
Thursday, 10:30 a.m. to 11:20 a.m. in Rooms 8-9-10
Keynote Speaker and School Counselor Molly Hudgens discusses her experience of preventing a school shooting at Sycamore Middle School in 2016.
Pyramid of Politics
Presenter: ASBSD Director of Policy & Legal Services Jessica Filler and Director of Communications Tyler Pickner
Thursday, 11:30 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. in Rooms 13-14
From the local level to the state level to the national level there’s a lot to cover in our current political climate and each block in the pyramid of politics will be covered. Come discuss local elections, Title IX, property taxes, board meetings, ballot questions and much more.
Superintendent & School Board Relations
Presenter: Harrisburg Superintendent Tim Graf, School Board President Mike Knudson and Past President Linda Kirchhevel
Thursday, 3:00 p.m. to 3:50 p.m. in Rooms 8-9-10
Join us for an insightful session with the Past Board President and Superintendent of the Harrisburg School District as they delve into the crucial dynamics of effective school board and superintendent relationships. Drawing from their extensive experience in navigating the complexities of educational governance, they will explore strategies for fostering collaboration, setting shared goals, and navigating challenges. This interactive session will include a Q&A segment, offering attendees the opportunity to gain practical insights and ask pressing questions on enhancing leadership synergy within school districts.
Avoiding Headaches of Managing Scholarship Funds and School Foundations
Presenter: South Dakota Community Foundation Development Director Jeff Veltkamp, Community Development Coordinator Patrick Gallagher, , and a school scholarship/foundation fund holder
Thursday, 4:00 to 4:50 p.m. in Room 1
The South Dakota Community Foundation manages hundreds of school foundation and scholarship funds for schools, organizations, and individual donors. For industry-low fees, SDCF relieves busy school staff of administrative headaches, such as receiving and receipting charitable donations, supporting the grantmaking and/or scholarship selection process and sending checks to recipients’ schools, managing investments, and IRS reporting. Learn from SDCF staff and fund holders how the partnership can work for your school.
Conflict Negotiations in School Settings: Engaging in Productive Communication and Conflict Resolution
Presenter: USD Professor Dr. Richard Braunstein
Friday, 10:00 to 10:50 a.m. in Rooms 6-7
When conflict arises in school settings it is essential to practice principled negotiation to deescalate conflict and maximize satisfaction for all involved parties. This breakout session will focus on the skills of principled negotiation, with an emphasis on leadership communication and interest-based bargaining.
Building a Positive Culture Through Strengths-Based leadership
Presenter: USD Assistant Professor of Practice David Barker
Friday, 11:00 to 11:50 a.m. in Room 2
Leaders who recognize and leverage individual strengths promote an environment where everyone feels valued, thereby cultivating a positive and productive organization. This session will outline a path for establishing such a supportive and engaging culture. Through real-world examples backed by research, I will demonstrate the significant impact that strengths-based leadership can have on an educational community by enhancing critical relationships, such as those between superintendent and boards, superintendent and principals, and principals and staff.