
Section 504: A Short-Course on Compliance
Presenter: Bennett Law Attorney Michele Bennett & Lynn, Jackson, Schultz & Lebrun Law Office Attorney Sam Kerr
Thursday, 11:30 to 12:20 p.m. in Rooms 6-7
This presentation will focus on Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act providing attendees with an overview of the statutory and regulatory requirements of that law, a school district’s compliance responsibilities, the role of the 504 coordinator, developing a 504 plan, and the interrelationship of 504 with the IDEA and ADA.
Being a Member of Your School Board: Ten Practical Tips from School Lawyers’ Perspective
Presenter: Kaufman Law Office Attorney Gerry Kaufman, Churchill and Manolis, Freeman & Burns Law Office, L.L.C. Attorneys Rodney Freeman
Thursday, 3:00 p.m. to 3:50 p.m. in Rooms 13-14
This session will offer real life solutions and guidance to dilemmas and problems that face all school board members.
Rules & Recommendations: The Open Meetings Law
Presenter: Kaufman Law Office Attorney Gerry Kaufman, Churchill, Manolis, Freeman & Burns Law Office, L.L.C. Attorney Rodney Freeman, Jr. and Lynn, Jackson, Schultz & Lebrun Law Office Attorney Sam Kerr
Thursday, 4:00 p.m. to 4:50 p.m. in Rooms 13-14
In order for school boards to be in compliance with the South Dakota Open Meetings Laws, all new and veteran School Board Members, new and veteran Superintendents, and new and veteran Business Managers must know and understand the open meetings laws. The panel will discuss the open meetings legal requirements and give recommendations on how to comply with the law. This is a must-attend session for school board members, superintendents and business managers.
Title IX Regulations Update
Presenter: Lynn, Jackson, Schultz, and Lebrun Attorney Sam Kerr and Cassidy Stalley and ASBSD Director
of Policy and Legal Services Jessica Filler
Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 10:50 a.m. in Rooms 11-12
Updates on the latest Title IX regulations, the content of the new regulations and how they affect
Pain in the “App” Version 2.0: The Intersection of the Law with Social Media
Presenter: KSB School Law Attorneys Tyler Coverdale, Sara Hento & Bobby Truhe
Friday, 11:00 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. in Rooms 8-9-10
What are the new apps students are using, and why do we care? How are schools addressing cell phone usage in school? How should a school respond to reports of sexting? Can a school discipline for social media posts which occur on the weekends? This presentation will take board members and administrators through the most relevant and recent cases and information related to the intersection of schools and student use of technology and social media.